Aula Magna is a farewell poem for a beloved place. An audiovisual work that falls within the tradition of structural experimental cinema. Its source images were shot frame by frame on Super 8 film over the course of a year. They are the record of the variation of the light that enters through one of the windows of the main room of the author’s home. With them, the passage of time and its emotional charge are portrayed. The light caresses the walls and floor, the silhouettes of loved ones are cut out from the brightness that enters through the broken glass grid. Broken sentences, fragments of dialogue, laughter, the sound of traffic on the adjoining avenue, the clash of drinks, are sounds that arise from direct recordings made during meetings in that same space and make up the audio of the film after being mixed and processed in alive. Denegri has returned to the original material several times to produce different pieces, this exercise is proposed as an aesthetic investigation into the effect of the passage of time on memory.

Aula Magna, 2013
Super 8 Film
Duration: 7'